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5.5HP 500mm rebot control lawn mower for agricultural farm

モデル: QL-500S

推奨勾配: ≤45 degree

刈り幅: 500んん

刈り高さ: 20-150んん

移動速度: 4km/h

ガソリンエンジン: RV225

起動システム: Remote control start and stop

integrated circuit controller

機械重量: 140kg

Voltage and electricity: 24V 24AH

Overall machine size: 900×930×520mm

Lifting method: manual

Packing size:950×980×670mm

  • 製品の詳細
  • リモコン式法面芝刈り機-45°/500mm

Remote controlled Slope Mower QL500S is one of our hotsale product. We are the the real and original remot control lawn mower manufacturer.We can also provide door-to-door service to your address.

rebot control lawn mower

5.5HP High quality engine-Provides strong power-rebot control lawn mower

Our engines adopt internationally renowned brands such as RATO . Their quality is guaranteed, they comply with product standards in many countries and regions, and they have a longer service life than ordinary cheap engines.

robot control lawn mower

Circuit board-remot controll Lawn Mower

We have adopted a comprehensive upgrade of the product. Unlike other products on the market that use simple built-in circuits, the electric remote control device of our product is equipped with a professional and safe circuit board, which effectively avoids potential safety hazards easily caused by messy circuits.

Technical advantages-remot controll Lawn Mower

The product adopts a unique and more design shape, and its frame structure adopts a steel pipe structure that is not easy to deform, which is more durable and less prone to rust than similar products with iron plate outer structure on the market.

The factory is uniformly equipped with remot control controlled by button start and joystick, the remote control started by ordinary joystick is prone to operation confusion and burnout of the product circuit, and the functional area of the remote control activated by the button is clearer and clearer, and it is not easy to have circuit problems caused by operation errors.

The cutting blades equipped with the product are unified as 4mm floating thick blades, which are more durable and have a longer service life than ordinary thin cutting blades.

This controlled lawn mower with high quality. 斜面などさまざまな地形で作業が可能, 乾田と太陽光発電所. 刈り取り面積が狭い場合 2000 平方メートル,

中国の他の工場からの異なる遠隔制御芝刈り機, we choose high quality parts to manufacture mowers. With durable quality, 芝刈り作業を見事に終えることができます. This mowers are our artwork.

This product is also a hybrid power remot controll lawn mower. ガソリン エンジンがカッター システムに電力を供給し、ブレードを高速で回転させます。. 同時に, ガソリンエンジンはベルトを介してオルタネーターに電力を供給します. オルタネーターが蓄電池を充電する. 蓄電池は回路システムと電動走行モーターに電力を供給します. 電気走行モーターが機械を駆動して歩行させます.


モデル: QL-500S

推奨勾配: ≤45 degree

刈り幅: 500んん

刈り高さ: 20-150んん

移動速度: 4km/h

ガソリンエンジン: RV225

起動システム: Remote control start and stop

integrated circuit controller

機械重量: 140kg

Voltage and electricity: 24V 24AH

Overall machine size: 900×930×520mm

Lifting method: manual

Packing size:950×980×670mm


あなたの国で当社のディーラーになりたい場合, あなたは自分の会社を持たなければなりません. そして、園芸機械か建設機械の分野にいるはずです。私たちはあなたをたくさんサポートできます. 例えば, あなたの商標またはロゴをマシン上で使用できます. マシンの色を選択することもできます. あなた専用の外観をカスタマイズすることもできます. より多くの利益を得るのに役立つなら、私たちはあなたの要求に応えます.


モデル: QL-500S

推奨勾配: ≤45 degree

刈り幅: 500んん

刈り高さ: 20-150んん

移動速度: 4km/h

ガソリンエンジン: RV225

起動システム: Remote control start and stop

integrated circuit controller

機械重量: 140kg

Voltage and electricity: 24V 24AH

Overall machine size: 900×930×520mm

Lifting method: manual

Packing size:950×980×670mm


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