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Dieser in China hergestellte automatische Rasenmäher mit Fernbedienung wird in die Vereinigten Staaten verschifft

Der Rasenmäher mit Fernbedienung product ordered by the customer is mainly used on the farm. The cutting blades of this lawn mower adopt suspended thick blades, die langlebiger sind und eine längere Lebensdauer haben als gewöhnliche dünne Schneidklingen. The mowing width can reach 800mm, the horsepower can reach 27HP, und die Mähleistung kann 4500㎡/h erreichen. It is a good piece of equipment.

Rasenmäher mit Fernbedienung

MAX remote control lawn mower

This lawn mower This one is made in China uses remote one-button emergency stop, which is safer. The steel push rod motor is used, which is more reliable; the spiral knife is made of boron steel and can be adapted to high, dense and strong mowing environments, and is more efficient.

It adopts crawler type walking, which is suitable for harsh and uneven terrain and has strong climbing ability. Good performance and service gain customer support and purchase.

Das Rasenmäher mit Fernbedienung uses remote one-button emergency stop, which is safer. The steel push rod motor is used, which is more reliable; the spiral knife is made of boron steel and can be adapted to high, dense and strong mowing environments, and is more efficient. It adopts crawler type walking, which is suitable for harsh and uneven terrain and has strong climbing ability. Good performance and service gain customer support and purchase.



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