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Šasija gosenic (prilagodljiv)/

Dizelsko hidravlično podvozje na gosenicah

Engine: 4105 with supercharge
Load capacity: 5T
Speed: 0-2km/h
Pump: 50 pumps
Control mode: 200 meters wireless remote control
Opomba: Vse parametre je mogoče prilagoditi glede na zahteve kupca

  • Podrobnosti o izdelku
Dizelsko hidravlično podvozje na gosenicah
Dizelsko hidravlično podvozje na gosenicah

Diesel hydraulic track chassis for sale

Our tracked chassis is driven by a diesel engine, and the power is transmitted to the track through a hydraulic system, which allows your vehicle to move more stably on our tracked chassis.
Compared with the traditional wheeled chassis, the tracked design gives it better passing performance. Whether it’s muddy marshes, steep hillsides, or rugged roads covered with gravel, diesel hydraulic tracks allow a variety of mechanical equipment to navigate complex environments with ease.If you want your vehicle to be usable on any terrain, I suggest you customize our track chassis, because it can make your vehicle more convenient to use in complex terrain and increase the durability of your vehicle.
The hydraulic system plays a vital role in it. It can precisely control the speed and steering of the track, making the operation more flexible and precise. Ensure safe and stable operation of equipment under complex working conditions.

FeaturesDiesel track chassis

The diesel hydraulic track chassis is characterized by its small steering radius, which allows the equipment to steer in place. Able to withstand huge weight, suitable for carrying large equipment heavy loads. Our tracks can also be adjusted and tightened to prevent them from loosening after a period of operation. Our products are also very versatile and we can customize the track chassis to suit the machinery you are using. The waist teeth of the diesel hydraulic track are not easy to slip, and the traction adhesion performance is good, so that the chassis car runs more smoothly.

Konfiguracija in parametri

Engine: 4105 with supercharge
Load capacity: 5T
Speed: 0-2km/h
Pump: 50 pumps
Control mode: 200 meters wireless remote control
Opomba: Vse parametre je mogoče prilagoditi glede na zahteve kupca

Kako postati naš trgovec

Če želite biti naš trgovec v vaši državi, moraš imeti svoje podjetje. Morate biti na področju vrtnih ali gradbenih strojev. Lahko vas zelo podpiramo. Na primer, na stroju lahko uporabimo vašo blagovno znamko ali logotip. Izberete lahko tudi katero koli barvo za vaš stroj. Za vas lahko celo prilagodimo ekskluziven videz. Lahko izpolnimo vse vaše zahteve, če vam bo to pomagalo do večjega dobička.

Pišite nam prek e-pošte/WhatsAPP/Wechat.


Pustite odgovor

seventy seven − seventy =

En komentar

  1. Take your vehicle to the next level with our advanced chassis parts! Built for durability, stability, and performance on any terrain. 🛠️🚗

    #ChassisParts #VehicleUpgrades #Performance

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