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Nosso soprador de neve com controle remoto por rádio está pronto para envio

A Radio Control Remote Controlled Snow Blower snow blower ordered by our customer is ready to be shipped.

Radio Control Snow Blower Remote Controlled Snow Thrower

This picture show that max have done inspection work before shipment.

Esse Snow Blower can provide a snow removal width of 700mm, and the snow removal thickness can reach 500mm. It is suitable for snow removal in major areas or roads such as pastures, parks, casas, and farms. This equipment can realize remote control and automatic operation, and the walking speed can reach 3KM/h.

In order to ensure the efficiency of snow removal, this equipment can blow snow to a distance of 10-15m. If necessary, you can also equip it with our snow pusher. The snow pusher can quickly realize the cleaning function. The width of the snow shovel reaches 1000mm, it can realize remote control side pushing, the walking speed can reach 4KM/h, and the battery life can reach 4h.

Max Fundado em 2004, localizado na cidade de Jining, Província de Shandong, China, Máx. (Shandong) Industrial Co Ltd é especializada em projetar e fabricar cortadores de grama com controle remoto, soprador de neve com controle remoto e miniescavadeira com esteira de borracha.

The factory of MAX Remote Controlled Snow Blower

Especialmente no campo de cortador de grama com controle remoto e soprador de neve com controle remoto, somos o principal fabricante de cortadores de grama com controle remoto da China e o único fabricante de sopradores de neve com controle remoto.



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