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We can provide you with remote control lawn mower OEM

マックス (山東省) Industrial Co Ltd specializes Founded in 2004, located in Shandong Province, China.We design and product リモコン芝刈り機, リモコン除雪機とゴムクローラミニショベル.


MAX OEM ODM for design and product remote control lawn mower, リモコン除雪機とゴムクローラミニショベル.

As a trusted vendor, we now have many customers and use cases around the world. In order to improve product technology and promote the global development of automatic remote control lawn mowers. We have decided that we are willing to provide you with OEM business.

We are the source factory and have a complete industrial chainIn order to meet the needs of customers, we use remote control start and remote shutdown, which is more convenient to use, and one-button emergency stop, which is safer to use. The リモコン芝刈り機 can increase the mowing width to 800mm, and the mowing efficiency can reach 4500㎡/h. The equipment can be added with a separate snow pusher to achieve multi-purpose and multi-location use of one piece of equipment.

製品の包括的なアップグレードを採用しました. 強力な電力を供給でき、デバイスは35°の傾斜でも簡単に使用できます。単純な内蔵回路を使用する市販の他の製品とは異なります。, 当社の製品の電動リモコン装置には専門的で安全な回路基板が装備されています, 乱雑な回路によって容易に引き起こされる潜在的な安全上の危険を効果的に回避します.




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