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Remote control mowers are radio-controlled mowing machines. Operator use remote control to control them for walking and mowing work. This makes mowing operations more safer.

According to different walking, radio-controlled mowers have rubber track slope mowers and wheel lawn mowers.

Rubber track slope mower equips rubber track walking device. It has excellent climbing ability. Operator can control it to mow on all terrain. Ride-on mower can’t mow on complex terrain, but it can. This type of slope mower is suitable for mowing on hillside, 急な坂道, 湿地, swamp, embankment and roadside.

Wheel lawn mowers have fast travel speed. This type of lawn mower is suitable for fast mowing operations on flat terrain or gentle slopes.

There are many brands of remote control mowers in Europe and America, such as Spider, グリーンクライマー, RC芝刈り機, 酸っぱい, トラックモウ, Evatech and so on. すべてのリモコン芝刈り機は優れた芝刈り能力を備えています, しかし、これらの芝刈り機も非常に高価です. 多くの人はそれを買う余裕がない. ほとんどの人は、より少ないお金で満足のいくリモコン芝刈り機を手に入れることを好みます。. We did it.

We are China’s first and leading remote control lawn mower manufacturer and supply various types of radio controlled mowers. Our mowing machines also have excellent mowing performance and climbing ability, 価格は彼らのわずか3分の1以下です. This is the important reason why our mowers are popular in Europe, アメリカ, カナダ, オーストラリア, 日本と韓国.

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