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Our Radio Control Remote Controlled Snow Blower are ready to ship

A Radio Control Remote Controlled Snow Blower snow blower ordered by our customer is ready to be shipped.

Radio Control Snow Blower Remote Controlled Snow Thrower

This picture show that max have done inspection work before shipment.

これ Snow Blower can provide a snow removal width of 700mm, and the snow removal thickness can reach 500mm. It is suitable for snow removal in major areas or roads such as pastures, parks, 家, and farms. This equipment can realize remote control and automatic operation, and the walking speed can reach 3KM/h.

In order to ensure the efficiency of snow removal, this equipment can blow snow to a distance of 10-15m. If necessary, you can also equip it with our snow pusher. The snow pusher can quickly realize the cleaning function. The width of the snow shovel reaches 1000mm, it can realize remote control side pushing, the walking speed can reach 4KM/h, and the battery life can reach 4h.

Max Founded in 2004, 済寧市にあります, 山東省, 中国, マックス (山東省) Industrial Co Ltd はリモコン芝刈り機の設計と製造を専門としています。, リモコン除雪機とゴムクローラミニショベル.

The factory of MAX Remote Controlled Snow Blower

特にリモコン芝刈機とリモコン除雪機の分野で, 当社は中国の大手リモコン芝刈り機メーカーであり、唯一のリモコン除雪機メーカーです。.




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