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Faoi Teagmháil Faigh Athfhriotail |


Spanish customer ordered three HS500F-24V units remote control lawn mower

Our Spanish customer ordered three HS500F-24V units remote control lawn mower from our company yesterday to use on his farm.

This lomaire faiche cianrialaithe product uses Rato brand engines, which are of guaranteed quality, meet product standards, and last longer than ordinary cheap engines.

The general products on the market are mostly simple line built-in, our electric remote control device is equipped with professional and safe circuit boards, so effectively avoid the line clutter easy to cause safety hazards.

This equipment can achieve a mowing speed of 5km/h, a mowing slope of 35-40°, and can achieve continuous operation.

An lomaire faiche cianrialaithe adopts a unique and more design shape, agus glacann a struchtúr fráma struchtúr píopa cruach nach bhfuil sé éasca le dífhoirmiú, atá níos durable agus níos lú seans maith le meirge ná táirgí den chineál céanna le struchtúr seachtrach pláta iarainn ar an margadh.

Our factory is uniformly equipped with remote control controlled by button start and joystick, tá an cianrialtán tosaithe ag gnáth-luamhán stiúrtha seans maith go mearbhall oibríochta agus dóite an chiorcaid táirge, agus tá réimse feidhme an chianrialtáin atá i ngníomh ag an gcnaipe níos soiléire agus níos soiléire, agus níl sé éasca go mbeadh fadhbanna ciorcaid de bharr earráidí oibríochta.

Roimhe seo:

Ar aghaidh:

Fág freagra

+ fifty four = 56

Fág nóta

Earráid: Níor aimsíodh an fhoirm teagmhála.