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Faoi Teagmháil Faigh Athfhriotail |

Lomairí Cianrialú/

lomaire Fána Cianrialaithe

Mionsamhail: Black Panther 800

Fána Molta: ≤40 céim

Leithead Baint: 800mm

Airde Baint: 20-150mm

Luas Taistil: 4km/u

Inneall Peitril: Loncin brand 13hp 452cc

Córas Tosaigh: tús leictreach + tús cianda

Mótar taistil: 700vata x 2

Meáchan Meaisín: 240KG

Méid: 107*115*67cm

Fuel tank capacity: 5L.

  • Sonraí Táirge
  • Cén Fáth Roghnaigh Linn

Remote controlled slope mower Black Panther 800 for sale

Black Panther 800 is a high quality all terrain remote controlled slope mower le praghas iomaíoch. The remote controlled slope mower is suitable for clearing all kinds of weeds. Go háirithe, is féidir leis an obair a bhaineann le baint an fhéir ar fhána géar contúirteach a chríochnú trí oibriú simplí.

Black Panther 800 remote controlled slope mower is suitable work for greening, úllord, cnoic, fána, taobh-bhóthar, claífort.

Parameters of Black Panther 800

Mionsamhail: Black Panther 800

Fána Molta: ≤40 céim

Leithead Baint: 800mm

Airde Baint: 20-150mm

Luas Taistil: 4km/u

Inneall Peitril: Loncin brand 13hp 452cc

Córas Tosaigh: tús leictreach + tús cianda

Mótar taistil: 700vata x 2

Meáchan Meaisín: 240KG

Méid: 107*115*67cm

Fuel tank capacity: 5L.

Precautions for use

•Please startup the equipment in correct sequence. Wrong startup

 sequence maybe damage the equipment.

•When operating remote controller, please push the forward and

 backward operating sticker slowly to avoid accelerating too fast and

 damaging the equipment.

•If you are operating for the first time, please operate at low speed

 and on level ground until you get used to the operation.

•When moving equipment, please check that there are no people

 or animals around it, and be careful about safety.

•When inspecting, servicing, adjusting, cleaning or refueling, please

 turn off engine and main power switch and perform it in a flat place.

•Before mowing, please inspect entire work area and remove any

 bouncing objects such as stones, glasses and empty cans.

•When driving on a slope, the equipment may slip off, so please do

 not stand directly under or near the equipment.

•Do not touch the engine, muffler, etc. as it becomes extremely hot

 during operation and immediately after stopping.

•Do not touch the equipment after rotating the blade, as you will be

 injured if your hands, feet or clothes get caught in the rotating part.

•Do not use in the rain.

•Do not allow the equipment and remote controller to get wet with

 rain, etc., as it may cause a malfunction.

•Do not use bent, deformed or damaged blades.

•To prevent accident caused by scattered objects, please wear

protective clothing, protective glasses, protective cap, gloves, agus

non-slip safety shoes.  

•When storing, turn off all the power switch of the equipment and

 remove mud and dirt adhering to the equipment.

•Be sure to follow the warnings and precautions on the label.

C1: Cén Fáth Roghnaigh Linn?

A1: Táimid ag monaróir lomaire faiche cianrialaithe díreach, ní cuideachta thrádála na Síne.

C2: Cad iad na táirgí a mhonaraíonn tú?

A2: lomaire faiche cianrialaithe.

Cianrialú séidire sneachta.

Tochaltóirí mion le múnla 08, 10 agus 12.

Mionsiúl taobh thiar den lódóir stiúrtha sciorrtha.

Roimhe seo:

Ar aghaidh:

Fág freagra

25 + = thirty four

3 Tuairimí

  1. How do you buy anything from your company

  2. Todd Gomez

    How much is the mower in US dollars and how long for delivery?

Fág nóta

Earráid: Níor aimsíodh an fhoirm teagmhála.