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Conas a ghearrann lomaire faiche cianrialaithe 24V féar?

The power source of the lomaire faiche cianrialaithe is a gasoline engine, which we purchase directly from the market.

lomaire faiche cianrialaithe

This equipment is controlled by a remote control. Driven by the gasoline engine, the actuator drives the cutter to rotate at high speed to achieve the function of mowing the grass. The middle belt of the actuator allows the lomaire faiche cianrialaithe to walk independently when not mowing.

Our lawn mowers adapt to different working environments and have different requirements for mowing width. Different mowing widths can be achieved through the height adjustment device. The mowing width can be adjusted from 20mm to 150mm. The mobile lawn mower realizes the forward movement of the lawn mower through remote control command of the walking motor.

The lawn mower walks on flat ground and works on grass of different density, so it requires different traveling speeds. Different traveling speeds of the lawn mower can be achieved by adjusting the meshing of different gears. We perform remote control steering of the lawn mower based on the needs of the site required for the lawn mower and the actual situation of my operation. The overall frame of the lawn mower is a welded frame.

Ag deireadh na 2019, fuaireamar amach go bhfuil lomairí faiche cianrialaithe i dtíortha Eorpacha agus Mheiriceá an-chostasach. Mar sin thosaíomar ag dearadh agus ag monarú lomairí RC. In earrach na 2020, thosaigh muid ag díol an chéad lomaire RC. Is lomaire fána rian rubair é. Tugann sé inneall gásailín, 24 Ah ceallraí agus 1.2 kw mótar leictreach.

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